Title: Miss Tonks Turns to Crime (The Poor Relations #2)
Author: Marion Chesney
Reader: Davina Porter
Category: Romance- Historical
Audio Published: May 8, 2012 by AudioGo (First published April 1993)
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
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The oddly assorted group met some time ago. All of them were poor relations, the genteel paupers of society, living on little more than their dignity. They banded together and started The Poor Relation hotel, hoping to be bought out by their embarrassed relations, but as the hotel prospered, they began to enjoy the fruits of their labor. But once more they are in need of funds. To stoop to crime in their days of poverty was one thing, but to turn to it again when they have enjoyed a certain amount of success is quite another. But they all agree. The hotel must go on. And so poor, faded Miss Tonks has been persuaded to steal something valuable enough from her rich sister to set the poor relations on their feet. They all have their doubts about Miss Tonks’ chances for success, but the shy spinster has more than a few surprises in store.
I mentioned the other day that I like predictable stories, and this one definitely fits the bill. Once again, the proprietors of The Poor Relation hotel are in need of funds and Miss Tonks Turns to Crime. She is sent out to steal something from her rich sister. Hopefully, one day the hotel will provide enough income that the group won’t need to turn to crime, but I’m not holding my breath, it is after all a convenient plot piece.
Miss Tonks heads out to her sister’s. The sister is awful, but the niece is a darling young woman. The brother-in-law is not horrible either, just held under the sister’s thumb. Miss Tonks comes up with a plan to dress as a highway man and rob the sister’s carriage on her way to a ball. Unfortunately, she holds up the wrong carriage and ends up revealing her entire plan to the local very eligible gentleman, Lord Eston. Instead of turning her in however, he robs the sister for her, stealing a kiss from the niece at the same time.
So, that’s the couple this time around, the niece and Lord Eston. The niece runs away from home, determined to work at the hotel, but of course, they keep coming into contact with Lord Eston. There’s some dithering around. some shenanigans. She’s not suitable. He’s stuck up. Turmoil at the hotel. All in all it’s a pleasant listen, not breath-taking or even memorable but enjoyable enough to work in the yard or do laundry to. Davina Porter was also the reader for the first in the series and she does a good job. She never lets it become over-blown. She keeps it light and amusing.
I’m listening to the third in the series now, and the formula’s the same, but in this case I think that’s a good thing. I know what to expect from these stories and I enjoy them, although they’re probably not everyone’s cup of tea.
The Poor Relation Series
- Lady Fortescue Steps Out
- Miss Tonks Turns to Crime
- Mrs. Budley Falls from Grace
- Sir Philip’s Folly
- Colonel Sandhurst to the Rescue
- Back in Society
I have read some of these and truly love them!
Liking the sound of this BUT I’m not too sure I’d be keen to read all of the books in the series given that they sound very formulaic.
They are, but for me that’s part of the charm.
This sounds like fun!