Today is the fourth day of We’re Listening: Audiobook Week 2013. Hosted for the fourth year by Jen at Devourer of Books, Audiobook Week runs June 17–21. It’s a fun way to find audiobook reviewers and see what everyone’s listening to. Today’s prompt is about what we do while we listen.
What do you do while you listen? Any particular tasks or games that you find amazing for audio time?
I guess maybe I approach this a little different. For me it’s more like what do I have to do that I make a little better, easier, more enjoyable if I listen to an audio book while I’m doing it.
I don’t play games while I listen, I find I can’t concentrate on the book. I also don’t watch tv. I don’t listen in the car for a couple of reasons: most of my drives are less than ten minutes long and my books are on my MP3 player which can’t plug into my car, I don’t get them on CD.
While I’m listening I do laundry, dishes, cook. I dust, but not vacuum – the vacuum’s too loud. I work in the garden, walk the dog, and run in the park or on the sidewalk through town. I think that about covers it. What about you, when do you listen to audiobooks if you do at all?
I pretty much listen the same places as you, except I do listen in my car.
I think that’s why I don’t listen to audiobooks. I would need to be doing something at the same time, but most of my tasks I complete in silence. I like having the silence so that my mind can wander. I come up with some of the most interesting ideas that way.
I’ve never really been good at silence.
The vacuum does get loud, but if I’m involved in an awesome book I just turn it way up! I wish I had a garden – that seems like a perfect place to listen
I wish my garden wasn’t so full of weeds.
I find that those little 10 minute car trips add up. But my phone plays through my car easily so it’s not hard for me.
Yeah, my car’s older and doesn’t have some of the goodies that my husband’s does.
I agree with you about finding audiobook time in chores that I would probably be doing otherwise. I rarely seek out something to do just so I can listen to my book (like playing a game). I don’t think I have the concentration for it! Right now my commute is 45-60 minutes each way so I have lots of audiobook time but I’m not sure what I’ll do once my commute is cut! I do listen while at home but only if my daughter is asleep and I don’t need my ears to hear her (ie hub is home).