We go to the Origins Game Fair in Columbus every year. This year we thought we weren’t going to be able to, but Amber traded a couple of band things around and we got to go after all. The day didn’t start out so well – they were only doing day badges for Saturday not family passes and the line was ridiculous. once they got that straightened out a little and we actually go in, it was a fun day.

We ate lunch over at the North Market, then checked out the vendors and played games all afternoon. We walked down the road for dinner and then played one more game in the evening.

We picked up the new Ascension: Realms Unraveled, a stand-alone expansion. Ascension is probably one of my favorite games right now. Amber got a cool bag, a new dragon for her collection, and theΒ obligatory Cthulhu expansion for Smash-Up.
RUStoryPage cthulhu

One I didn’t pick up but wish I had was Enigma from Z-Man Games. I’m just going to have to buy it on-line or pre-order it, since apparently it’s not actually available. It looks like the prices will be lower than they were charging at the show, but I can’t have it yet. πŸ™



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