
Trish, at Love, Laughter, and a Touch of Insanity, is hosting A Day in the Life event today. I somehow missed that it was coming up, but it’s such a fun idea, I decided to go ahead and share my yesterday, even if I don’t have any photos to share.

6:20 am – The alarm went off. I woke up my husband and he headed to the bathroom. We only have one bathroom to use between the three of us in the morning, so who uses it when is a practiced routine. When he came back in the room, it was my turn in the bathroom and then I woke up my daughter. I fed the lizard and had some cereal for breakfast.

7: 20 am – Drove my daughter to school. I’m one of the women who just throws a robe and shoes on. No one sees me anyway.

7:30 am – I’m back home. Yesterday I went back to bed for short nap – don’t tell anyone.

9:10 am – Woke up again.

10:00 am – Work. Thursday is one of my short days.

10:05 am – Wished I wasn’t at work.


Noonish – Ate lunch at my desk. Yesterday was left-over pasta with bacon and cherry tomato sauce.

2:00pm – Work’s over. I went grocery shopping, but just picked up enough for dinner that night..

2:45 pm – I picked Amber up from school and drove her to her private paint lesson. This is one of her recent paintings. I don’t have any pictures of her current project.


3:-00 pm – Dropped groceries off at home and let the dog out. Went over to the church to practice the organ for a little while.

4:00 pm – Picked Amber up.

4:15 pm – Change of plans. Drove through Arby’s for dinner. We actually don’t have fast food that often, but sometimes it’s just so easy.

4:30 pm – Back at home. We ate in front of the tv, watching Martha Speaks. Yes, Amber’s 15, but there’s not much on in the afternoon. I did some chores around the house and played the piano some. I also changed into sweat pants.

5:30 pm – Put the check and reservation in the mail for Amber’s band banquet.

5:45 pm – David got home. We talked for like a minute, mostly about some wood triangle thing one of Amber’s friends needed him to make for her.

5:50 pm – Took Amber to her group art class. David picked her up later and took her friend’s triangle.

6:00 pm – Stopped at the library to pick up a yard sign for their renewal levy that will be on our ballot in May

6:10 pm – Went to the gym. Spent an hour on the elliptical. I was listening to Shadow and Light by Jonathan Rabb, but apparently I forgot to download the LAST section, so it just ended. At least I had another one to start – Gorky Park.


7:45 pm – Got home. Said hi to the dog and David, who was watching the hockey game. Played the piano for a while. I just got new music, which is always fun to play through.

8:10 pm – Reviewed Amber’s vocab for World Lit with her.

8:30 pm – Watched Survivor on-demand with David and Amber.

9:40 pm – Made lunches. Dropped a piece of lunch meat for the dog. He loves when it’s time to make lunches.

10:00 pm – Tucked Amber in. Took 7 Simple Choices for a Better Tomorrow by Bob Merritt downstairs and sat with David. He was playing on his iPad and I think we had House Hunters on tv.

10:30 pm – Bedtime. I went to bed and read until David came in.

That’s pretty much a usual Thursday, except for the library stop. What did your day look?




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