Readers workouts

So, here are my steps for the week.



And here’s my current workout plan. It’s an 8-wk plan, but I’ve only got the first 4 below. I failed at week three, so I’m doing it again this week. I’m still getting into the swing of summer.


My week:

Tuesday – 1½ hours of weeding

Saturday – Planted the garden.

Sunday – 50 minutes on the elliptical (which I’m counting as Monday’s 40 minute run), 20 minutes on arm machines at the gym. We went fishing in the evening which is kinda almost like exercise.

Monday – ½ hour of strength exercises, including squats, lunges and crunches

I’m doing a Whole30 this month, which means no added sugar, alcohol, grains, dairy or legumes. I’ve been posting food photos on Instagram. After the 30 days is over, the idea is to add those back into your diet one at a time and evaluate if it affects how you feel, sleep, etc. So far, what I miss most are pasta and pie. It makes it a bit harder that even though David and I are both doing it, I’m not making Amber do it, so I’ll cook her mac and cheese while I’m having a sweet potato and left-over chicken for lunch when we’re both home. She is stuck with whatever we’re having for dinner, but she has a stash of Klondike bars in the freezer that are just for her.

I’m down 5.8 lbs from 5/19.

I usually listen to a book while I’m running or walking. The week I finished Day Shift by Charlaine Harris and started Natchez Burning by Greg Iles.

How was your week? Readers’ Workouts is hosted by Joy at Joy’s Book Blog. Thanks!


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