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Readers workouts

Here are my steps for the week. I actually made my week overall, thanks to my two gym workouts.


My fitbit app added a new section, number of hours with 25o steps. So far for today I’m at 1 of 9. I still have enough hours left to do all 9. I wonder how much walking 250 steps is. It can’t be more than a few minutes, right?

My current plan is to do cardio on Tuesday (60 mins), upper body on Wednesday, cardio on Thursday (60 mins), a total body workout on Friday, cardio on Saturday (60+ mins), and a core workout on Monday . This week I finished the the 30 Days Pilates Challenge at The Balanced Life, but I think I’m going to stick with doing a short Pilates workout each day.

Tuesday – 65 mins elliptical. Walk with the dog. Pilates (legs)

Wednesday – Pilates (full body). 15 mins abs.

Thursday – 15 mins stair machine, 16 mins elliptical. Pilates (full body)

Friday – 27 min full body workout. Pilates (legs)

Saturday – Pilates (stretch). Mini-golf (yeah, I know it’s not really exercise, but it’s at least semi-active and fun.)

Sunday – 4 miles on the treadmill. Pilates (abs)

Monday – (Forgot my fitbit in the morning.) Pilates. 25 mins core workout. 10 mins stretching.

I usually listen to a book while I’m walking, jogging, whatever. This week I’m listening to The Janus Affair by Pip Ballantine and Tee Morris.

2016 miles: 114.81

How was your week? Readers’ Workouts is hosted by Joy at Joy’s Book Blog.


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