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Readers workouts

Here are my steps for the week. Look at all that green! If you’re on fitbit, you can find me here.

My current plan is to do cardio on Tuesday (60 mins), upper body on Wednesday, cardio on Thursday (60 mins), a total body workout on Friday, cardio on Saturday (60+ mins), and a core workout on Monday. I’m also going doing a 10 minute-ish Pilates workout each day.

Tuesday – 10 mins stair machine. 38 mins elliptical  Pilates.

Wednesday – Walk with the dog. Pilates. 10 mins arm/shoulder work

Thursday – 41 min run on Main St.

Saturday – Pirates Home Run 10K- 1 hr 6 mins, which is a time I’m happy with. Walk with the dog.

Pirates 10K

Monday- Walk with the dog. 10 mins Pilates (stretching). 15 mins core.

I listen to music during races, but all my music got lost when my mp3 player re-formatted itself earlier this year. I pulled together a playlist for the race, but I need a longer one for my next run at the end of the month. You can find it at https://jog.fm/users/carolsnotebook/workout-playlists/10k. Any suggestions for songs you enjoy running/working out to?

I usually listen to a book while I’m walking, jogging, whatever, except during races. This week I finished “B” is for Bad Girls by Rebecca Cantrell and Sean Black and started The Heiress of Linn Hagh by Karen Charlton.

2016 miles: 148.52

How was your week? Readers’ Workouts is hosted by Joy at Joy’s Book Blog.


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