I felt like looking at something a bit different today. This poem is a different, modern look at Little Red Riding Hood. So the image above is clearly not Little Red Riding Hood, but I thought it fit the poem.
Red Whistles at the Wolf
Red, Red’s riding in the hood
scarf on her head
lady looking good
Red, Red’s driving in the hood
convertible blush
lady’s in a rush
Lipsticked red
sunglasses red
tight dress red
retro retro red red red
Red, Red’s cruising in the hood
white hubcapped wheels
bringing those meals
Red, Red’s speeding in the hood
in her redfinned missle
gives the wolf a whistle
Red, Red’s roaring in the hood
wolf takes a jump
becomes a speed bump
Red, Red’s slowing in the hood
wolf’s now dead
don’t mess with Red
– Glynn Young
I love the image of Red in her convertible speeding down the road. She’s definitely sexy in her tight red dress and red lipstick. I wonder if she’s trying to attract the wolf. After she runs him over, she slows down a bit, her mission accomplished.
Thursday’s Tales is a weekly event here at Carol’s Notebook. Fairy tales, folktales, tall tales, even re-tellings, I love them all. Feel free to join in.
Different picture, kinda cool
Different 🙂
Cool car, great for summer nights!
I just finished reading one of my granddaughter’s new books to her in which Little Red Riding Hood is a superhero (little girl version). This poem reminded me of it as both are definitely NOT the helpless female role so long associated with that fairy tale. Great image!