My Favorite.. is a weekly meme hosted by Maureen’s Books. In this meme we share every week something we love with each other. Because let’s face it.. The world can be a dark place and it’s time to share something positive. For more info: My Favorite Meme.

Today Maureen is asking about our favorite childhood memory, which is almost an impossible question for me. I had a good childhood, but I honestly have a terrible memory. I remember random things and trivia, but actual events not so much.

So instead, and I hope Maureen doesn’t mind, I’m going to talk about some of the stories I remember enjoying. I loved The Gammage Cup by Carol Kendall and it’s still one of my favorite kids books. It’s one of many I read to Amber when she was younger. I was a huge Nancy Drew fan and when I was in Junior High I devoured the Sweet Valley High books. Junior High is probably around the time I started reading Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot stories. In high school, I read all the Victoria Holt novels our library had.

I do remember one time when I was in elementary school I wanted to read The Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell. I think I had seen it on Reading Rainbow. I went to the bookmobile – it must have stopped at our neighborhood, I guess. Anyway they didn’t have it, but the bookmobile lady found a copy for me to borrow and kept it ’til the next time the bookmobile stopped, which was probably every two weeks or so. In my head, it was her personal copy, but that might just be how I remember it. She probably found the copy in the main branch and held onto it. Either way, it made an impression on me, that if you’re a kid and express an interest in a particular book, they will go out of their way to find it for you. It’s a shame I never remember getting the same feeling from our school librarian. I honestly can’t even remember who she was, I just assume we had one.

What’s your favorite childhood memory? Join in at Maureen’s Books.


  • I totally don’t mind! 😉 Remembering the stories you liked back then, sounds to me like a perfect memory. I also loved Sweet Valley High, and I remember reading it and watching the show on tv. I loved it!
    And how fun that you remember the bookmobile lady who borrowed you a copy of the book you wanted to read. That’s so nice and really sounds like something a perfect library lady would do! 😀
    Thanks for signing up again!

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