I made my step goal for the week, thanks to some extra work on Thursday and Saturday.


And my newest badge:

This week:

Tuesday – Walk with the dog, Pilates
Thursday – Walk with dog, 3.4 mile run outside (first time this year)
Friday – Walk with dog
Saturday – Elliptical
Sunday – Pilates
Monday – Pilates, weights

Meal plan:

My meal plan was a disaster this week. Yesterday was kind of fun though. I didn’t have a car and told my husband to stop at the store and pick up something to cook for dinner. I figured he’s get something easy, because he’s not really a recipe kind of guy. Anyway he brought home a variety of ingredients to make something with, a la Chopped, a show I might watch too much. Actually he picked mostly easy ingredients – Chicken breast, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, red wine, egg noodles, bread crumbs, a Milky Way bar, pineapple and pierogies. The pierogies went back in the freezer – one pasta’s enough. Of course, I went with the obvious chicken and pasta with a sauce made from the veggies and wine (and the candy bar). I added some garlic and cheese from the fridge. He helped with chopping. It was a cute. I’m a little worried that he’ll try it again with harder ingredients.

This week:

Breakfasts – eggs with banana, apple breakfast cake

Lunches – sausage, apple, sweet potato hash; taco salad; leftovers

Dinners – chicken fingers and salad, pizza with cauliflower crust, baked pineapple pork chops (because it sounded good on Vicki’s post last week).

Year Fitness Goals:

– Lose weight. Goal – Lose 26 lbs. (I should really start working on this instead of just hoping.)

– Run 2 5ks, 1 10K and 1 half. Complete – Registered for the Campbell-Dickinson Fun Run on March 18.

– Hit my weekly step goal (56,000 steps) for 48 weeks. Weeks completed: 7

How was your week? Readers’ Workouts is hosted by Joy at Joy’s Book Blog .


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