Bookish and Not So Bookish Thoughts is a weekly blogging event hosted by Bookishly Boisterous. It allows book bloggers (and non-book bloggers) to write about pretty much anything, bookish or otherwise (i.e. share exciting plans for the weekend, rants on things encountered during the week, etc.) Head over to her blog to link-up.
1. I played in the Alumni Band at the high school football game on Friday. It was a lot of fun. Here’s a picture of me hanging out on the sideline (I’m the short one wearing boots) during practice and one of the alumni and the high school band on the field.
2. I had to get tires on my car this week. It’s particularly annoying because my lease is up in December, but I just couldn’t put it off. One of them had a bulge in it and David thought it might blow if I took it on the highway.
3. We’re going back to visit Kenyon again this week. This time we’re touring the art department and Amber’s going to have lunch in the cafeteria. It’s a pretty selective (and expensive) school, and I think she’s really hoping to get in. I hope she doesn’t get disappointed. Does anyone know anybody who went to college there? Any advice?
4. I’m trying a 30 Day Paleo Challenge that started Aug 26. I’m doing really well during the week and blowing it every weekend. Pasta is my downfall, and no, spaghetti squash or “zoodles” will not cut it.
5. I’m listening to Glass Houses by Louise Penny. This is one of my favorite series, but I haven’t fallen in love with this particular book yet. I’m enjoying it, but not as much as I had anticipated.
How was your week? Any plans for this week?
Oh, I love those boots!
I hate getting new tires…I recently had a flat, unexpectedly, and ended up waiting almost all afternoon for the new one.
Thanks for visiting my blog, and enjoy your week.
At least my husband took it in for me and did all the waiting. He’s so nice to me.
This past week for me was not a good one as far as reading goes. It was the final week in #TheReadingQuest and I did not finish my Rogue Pathway.
I am so bummed, but I just can’t seem to shake this slump I’ve fallen into! I can’t figure out what caused it (unless it really was reading six tomes back-to-back during August’s #TomeTopple).
But I don’t think I’m in any other Readathons or anything for the next six or so weeks (October’s Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon is I think the next one, on October ?21?). So I’m hoping to read what I truly want to read – no obligations – so that I can get back to my usually-scheduled reading life. The only problem is. . .
I don’t know what I want to read next! :-/
I hope you get out of your slump. I’m planning on doing Dewey’s Readathon too. I actually took Sunday off work so I can maybe, hopefully, do the full 24 hours.
Thanks! I am hoping that my slump might actually be over now. Yesterday I started and finished a 316-page middle-grade book (and really enjoyed it) and then read to page 118 in a new release by a new-to-me author! I’m hoping to finish that book today. If I do, I think I’ll be safely out of my slump.
I love Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathons. This will be my sixth-seventh-eighth (I can’t remember when the first one I did was) and they’re a lot of fun. I just still need to find that workable way to read and be social and it will be perfect! Enjoy!
Happy Reading to you!