This week’s activities:

Tuesday – Walk with the dog
Thursday – Walk with the dog
Saturday – Walk

Goals for November:

I have been such a slacker lately. I need to make exercise a priority, not something I do if I have time.

Gym – 4 times
Pilates – 12 times
I’m also going to try the #Lungevember challenge. I’m going with the easy level because lunges are tough!

Meal ideas for next week:

Mummy pizzas
Chicken parmesan
Baked halibut
Ginger and garlic pork tenderloin

Year Fitness Goals:

– Lose weight. Goal – Lose 26 lbs. (Currently at -15.6)
– Run 2 5ks, 1 10K and 1 half. Completed – 1 10K; 1 5K
– Hit my weekly step goal (56,000 steps) for 48 weeks. Weeks completed: 30

How was your week? Readers’ Workouts is hosted by Joy at Joy’s Book Blog.


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