My Favorite.. is a weekly meme hosted by Maureen’s Books. In this meme we share every week something we love with each other. Because let’s face it.. The world can be a dark place and it’s time to share something positive. For more info: My Favorite Meme.
I usually like to write my reviews within the first couple days after finishing a book, when everything’s still fresh in my mind. I don’t tend to take notes while I read, since I find it interrupts the flow for me (or I’m lazy), so I have to rely on my memory. In print or ebooks, I can go back and look bits up if I need to, but with audiobooks that’s pretty hopeless. There are some books I need to think on for a while before I write my comments, ones that deal with heavier topics usually, but they are few and far between
I write most of my reviews during slow times at work. Yes, I know that probably makes me a bad person, but I’m sitting in front of the computer anyway. Sometimes I’ll work on them at home in the evening when we’re watching tv, but the dog can make that a bit difficult occasionally.
What’s your favorite moment to write your reviews? Join in at Maureen’s Books.
I also don’t make notes while reading. I always say I’m going to, but in the end I forget or I just don’t want to get up to get my notebook! See, I’m lazy too! 😉
I like to write my reviews in the morning, when everything is nice and quiet.
Thanks for stopping by and signing up!
Thanks for hosting! It’s good to know I’m not the only one who’s lazy occasionally.
I don’t take notes either but sometimes I put one of those Post-it Flags on the page. I write my reviews in the afternoon after I get home from work,eat & check my mail etc.
I will sometimes leave “bookmarks” with my kindle, but I never seem to go back and look at them.
Here I thought I was the only one who didn’t take notes and had to rely solely on memory. It’s not the easiest way to write a review, especially if it’s an audiobook but you are so right. Anyway, thanks for coming over to see what’s up on my blog!
I would be so much easier if I kept notes. On the other hand, my reviews are usually pretty short and overall impressions rather than detailed so it works for me.
I am the same. I need to write fast, and nope to notes
Yep, otherwise I tend to forget what I wanted to say.
I think my favorite time is whenever I can find a few minutes.
Sometimes a few minutes is all you can hope for.
I would love to be able to write reviews at work. Maybe then I would write them within three days after finishing a book! That’s something I’m struggling with right now. I have to make highlights in my ebooks. I’ve just discovered I can also make notes, so I’ve added just a phrase or thought every so often. I rely on my highlights quite a bit in helping me write my review so I can quickly find the things I thought were important and think back to why I picked them out.
That’s one of the nice things about ebooks, you don’t need a separate notebook to keep notes in and you don’t have to feel guilty about highlighting things. I just never seem to go back to look at what I marked.
Whilst I only sometimes take actual notes, I do find myself with pages full of post-it-notes marking everything from my Memorable Moment to other things to remember.
I don’t take notes while I’m reading either. Definitely takes away from the flow. I usually write my reviews at night after the kids are in bed.
Have a great week!