I would love to have a real life book club. Unfortunately I just don’t know that I have the time right now – or friends I could convince to join in.

If you’re like me, you’ve probably thought about starting your own book club. It would give you a chance to meet with other people who love to read as much as you do and to talk about your favorite books with other people who have read them. However, you may not be sure how to start your own book club or how to run a meeting of one. If that’s the case, I did find a few tips to help you get started running your own book club meeting today and to help me if I ever actually do try to start one.

First, think about what you will serve at your book club meeting. While some people simply have tea, coffee, and light snacks, if you’re planning a large meeting or want to impress people, consider outside catering. This will also help you to focus on the book and the discussion so you don’t have to worry about the food and drinks. Find a local pro who can help to make your book club meeting special. For example, if you need catering in St Petersburg, consider a respected company like Amicis Catering to take care of the food at your next book club meeting. I actually love the idea of hiring a caterer. It takes off some of the pressure.

Next, decide who you will invite. This may be easy for you if you have a lot of friends or other associates who are already interested in reading and attending one of your book club meetings. If you don’t already know a large group of people, look online for others who share your interests. Check out local Facebook groups for people who love literature or who are looking for a way to improve themselves intellectually. Offer your book club as a chance for people to get out of the house, learn more about their books, and make new friends in their community.

Finally, you need to pick the book itself. Find something that is popular and recent so that you will attract attention to your group. Skip anything too controversial, old, or boring, which will make people less interested. Then, start reading together!


  • The libraries in my area have book clubs, one even has a cookbook book club. I’ve thought about joining but haven’t yet. Maybe when I move.

    I used to belong to an online book club that a blogger ran, but for some reason she stopped having it. I wish someone would start another one. I’d definitely join.

  • Luckily, I was able to convince a fellow blogger to let me join her very awesome book group and I couldn’t be more grateful 🙂 I do toy with the idea of trying to start one with people closer by. I could use that Next Door site come to think of it. Do you have one where you are?

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