I did pretty good hitting my step goal this week.
This Week’s Activities:
Monday: Fit Girls Arm Workout
Current Audiobook:
I’m in the middle of The Death and Life of the Great Lakes by Dan Egan.
Meal ideas for next week:
Pita pizzas
Chicken and sweet potato tacos
2018 Fitness Goals:
– Lose weight. Goal – Lose 25 lbs.
– Run 4 races of any length
– Hit my weekly step goal (average 8,000 steps/day) for 36 weeks. (Current total: 14)
How was your week? Readers’ Workouts is hosted by Joy at Joy’s Book Blog
I need to find an arm workout. Is that one on You Tube?
No. It’s from an e-book I bought from their website. It was 5 push-ups, 20 sec plank, 10 mt climbers, 8 tripcep dips, 10 squat presses, and 10 plank jacks. You do the whole series three times, with a minute break between rounds.
Did you like the arm workout? Chicken and sweet potato tacos sound yummy!
The arm workout was tougher than I thought it would be, but I haven’t been doing much actual exercise lately. The tacos were delicious!
Good job! You always seem to find the best workouts!