Yes, it’s Monday, but we got home late last night.
Week’s Highlight:
We saw The Phantom of the Opera at the Benedum yesterday evening. I’ve never seen the show, although I did listen to the book a couple of years ago. I knew a lot of the music, of course, it’s hard not to. The show was gorgeous, and I really enjoyed it.

Nothing really. What shows do you recommend? Something my husband and I might both enjoy?
I’m still plugging along on Don Quixote. I’m also in the middle of Murder by Matchlight by E.C.R. Lorac
I posted one review this week:
On Friday we played Dominion: Renaissance a couple of times. We also pulled out Hanabi, which we hadn’t played for a while. Hanabi—named for the Japanese word for “fireworks”—is a cooperative game where you’re trying to create the perfect fireworks show by placing the cards on the table in the right order. The trick is that you hold your cards so that only the other players can see them’ you can’t. You give each other clues regarding the numbers and colors of the cards people are holding to help everyone play the right cards at the right time. Our show wasn’t perfect, but it was respectable.
Looking forward to:
There are a couple of fun things on my calendar this week. On Thursday, my mom and I are going to a craft night at church. We’re making Easter bunny wall hangings. Then, on Saturday, I’m participating in a trivia contest. Our team won’t do very well, but it will be fun.
How exciting to see Phantom, that has been one I have really wanted to see.
Have a great week!
I enjoyed it. I was just happy the snow forecast turned out to be wrong and the roads were fine.
Don’t be so negative, Miss Trivia.
Honesty is fine. And having low expectations and then doing better than you expected is always good too.
The days seem to be flying past and still lots of pending stuff. The first week of March is here and Easter not far behind.
I’ll be happy when the weather starts warming up here.
I’m continuing to read Don Quixote, too. I remember loving it when I read it as a teen. Not sure why it is not as compelling now.
I had a similar thing happen with Rebecca. I loved it when i was younger, when I reread it last year, I had to slog through it.
I’ve never seen Phantom or read the book. I’d love to see it one day.
I’d recommend the musical over the book.