We just got back from dinner at David’s parents’ house. We took over baked rigatoni and hung out with them and his grandma for a while.
Week’s Highlights:
Yesterday we went to my brother’s to celebrate there of their kids’ birthdays. We had a fun afternoon. Their kids are adorable.

I’ve been reading Murder on Pointe by C. S. McDonald. It’s set in Pittsburgh, with the murder happening after a performance at the Benedum. I always enjoy reading books set in places I know.
We played Sagrada again this week and Lords of Waterdeep, which might be one of my favorites worker placement games.
Looking forward to:
We’re picking Amber up for Sping break on Saturday. It will be nice having her home for the week.
This is the project she just finished for her icon painting class:

What an amazing painting. She should be so proud. My daughter-in-law has painted a beautiful icon. It was a wonderful experience for her.
I love to read books set in places I know, too. I especially like to read about a place when I am in a place.
Have a lovely week!
Glad to see you were able to comment this week. I don’t know why things are wonky one week and not the next.
I’m thinking about picking up a couple of books that take place in Charleston and/or Asheville before our trip in the fall.
I like settings I’ve been to as well. That is a beautiful painting.
I should read more that are set locally.
Good weekend. Thanks!
Thanks for feeding us.
It’s always fun to spend time with family. Enjoy your time with Amber – her talent really shines in that painting.
We’ll have a nice week, I’m sure. I think she’s ready for a break.
I’ll have to mention the games you play to a friend of mine who’s into games, although knowing him, he probably already knows them. 🙂 That icon is very well done by your daughter. It definitely looks like it could be hung in a church or a home.
Is this a new theme on your blog? Whether it is or not, I like it. Very clear and minimalistic which I like. I often read your blog in the feed reader so don’t always see the theme here…or maybe don’t pay attention to it.
It’s not a new theme, but thanks!
I think the painting will definitely be a conversation piece. My brother is hoping she’ll sell it to him for his office.