Series: Sally Mellors #1
Published by the author on November 1, 2019
Source: Rachel's Random Resources
Genres: Thriller
Pages: 265
Format: eBook
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Artist Sally Mellors has planned the perfect revenge, but with two secret agents on her tail, and her best friends running the police investigation, getting away with murder is going to be tricky...
Everybody loves Sally. She's a funny, generous, warm hearted friend, without a nasty bone in her body.
Isn't she?
Unknown to her friends, Sally's discovered another side to herself, cool headed and relentless, as she hunts down the three men who killed her husband. But Sally's not the only one with an interest in the trio. Unknown to her, two agents have arrived in town, urgently hunting a missing man and his diary, which could blow their organisation apart. Their best leads are the very men that Sally's hunting, and she's getting in the way...
Sally is angry. So is Emma Johnson. They are both widows, their husbands killed by drunk drivers who were not found guilty. Both men, father and son, had the help of the same lawyer and the same cop “misplaced” their blood tests. Those men, all of them, are the ones Sally focuses her rage on and, with Emma’s help, she is going to take justice, or revenge, into her own hands. At the same time, two men from a shadowy agency are looking for another man who’s been missing for three years, but was also connected with some of the men.
This is a tension-filled thriller. Sally is determined and creative and smart. The question becomes are the men or the cops a match for her, especially when she has Emma to rely on? I don’t really want to give away too much of the plot, but it’s astounding what people are willing to do and how the line between good and bad can blur.
A Thoughtful Woman is a compulsive read. You’ll find yourself rooting for Sally and Emma, even when maybe you shouldn’t. There are a few good surprises and a great chase scene. The story is set in the 80s, when few people had computers or cell phones. Neither police data bases or DNA use was as extensive and well-developed as it is now. That time period worked well. It let them have a lot of modern-day conveniences, but not too many.
There were a lot of characters in the books between Sally and her friends, Emma and her sons, the cops, the dead men, the agents. It was a little tough to keep everyone straight at times, but it does have maps in the front which helped some with keeping the places where they belonged in my head.
Overall, I would totally recommend A Thoughtful Woman. It may make you cringe in places, but it’s a taut thriller with a really fascinating main character and plenty of twists and turns to keep you on your toes.
Hi Carol,
Many thanks for the review. I’m glad you enjoyed Sally’s first adventure.
KT Findlay