An Implacable Woman by K.T. Findlay
An Implacable Woman is the second of the Sally Mellors books, and I really think it's best to read the first, A Thoughtful Woman, before starting this one. It will give you a fuller picture of Sally and her friends and Sally's ruthlessness.
An Implacable Woman was not as good as the first. We have Sally being the vigilante again, this time tracking down and killing men who abuse their wives. Sally's friends still feature in the book, one being the very cop who is still trying to catch "Selina," from Sally's last outing. The cops are not very competent. Yes, this is the 80s, but they solved a lot of crimes then, even without cell phones and DNA analysis. I bet Jessica Fletcher would have no trouble figuring out who the killer on the loose was.
I think, even though the way she killed was different this time around, it still felt too similar to the first. Sally kills some men,...