I am an unapologetic series reader. Mysteries of course, vintage and contemporary, but also sci-fi, fantasy, and even the occasional romance. The two books I’m in the middle of right now, listed on my sidebar, are both parts series. So, when I saw Michelle and Berls’ Can You Read a Series in a Month? Challenge at Because Reading Is Better than Real Life, I had to join in.
The challenge is to pick 1 series, and then read EVERY book in that series during May. To count as a series, there needs to be at least 3 published books, so trilogies work. If the series isn’t complete yet, as long as the first 3 books have been published it counts. The hashtag is #SeriesinaMonth.
Wanna join in? Sign up here.
I’m choosing Elly Griffiths’ Stephens & Mephisto Mysteries.
- The Zig Zag Girl – finished 5/13, review
- Smoke and Mirrors – finished 5/20, review
- The Blood Card – finished 5/24, review
- The Vanishing Box – finished 6/1, review
- Now You See Them
As you see above, I failed to finish the series in May, but I really enjoyed the ones I did read. I’ll definitely be picking up Now You See Them soon.
I do love a good series! And in answer to the question – I can and I have – but it does depend on the series and my mood!
I usually spread them out rather than reading them all at once.