Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.
Today’s topic is “Books that Make Me Smile,” suggested by Julia @ pagesforthoughts. Here’s my list. Some are funny, some remind of certain people or points in time, and some are just my favorites.
I love it when a book makes me laugh. Humor is always good. 🙂 I think death by Dumpling looks like a lot of fun. I like an occasional cozy mystery and food is always a draw haha!
I enjoy the Noodle Shop Series, and on this list it represents all those amusing cozy titles.
I’ve never read any of these, but Persuasion is on the list!
It’s my favorite Austen.
I haven’t read any of these but funny books are always good. I still need to read that Austen book!
There are definitely times when a funny book is needed.