Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.
Today’s topic is “Books with Colors In the Titles.” These are all books I’ve rated 4 or 5 stars on Goodreads.
What’s your favorite “color book?”
Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.
Today’s topic is “Books with Colors In the Titles.” These are all books I’ve rated 4 or 5 stars on Goodreads.
What’s your favorite “color book?”
Nine Princes in Amber is one of my favorite books. Haven’t read any of the rest, but I do like the covers of India Black and The Crimson Campaign. Fun choices! 😀
I’ve read three or four of the Chronicles of Amber. I’ve got a giant copy with them all in one book, but I like to spread them out a bit.
There is several of them that cought my attention.
Here is my TTT.
I enjoyed all of them.
That’s awesome!!
Great job with the TTT meme. I have not read any of these unfortunately but I think if I was to pick one up it might be the Charles Finch book. Great cover!
I do like that cover. I’m not sure why I never read anymore in that series.
I love the Hidden Legacy series by Ilona Andrews; Diamond Fire, Sapphire Flames, and the next one coming out soon is Emerald Blaze
I read a few of their Kate Daniels series, but haven’t read any of the others.
I am so glad to see India Black on one of these list!
She was quite a character.