Published by John Murray on April 23, 2013
Source: Library
Genres: Self-help
Pages: 258
Format: eBook
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You Are a Badass is the self-help book for people who desperately want to improve their lives but don't want to get busted doing it.
In this refreshingly entertaining how-to guide, bestselling author and world-traveling success coach, Jen Sincero, serves up 27 bitesized chapters full of hilariously inspiring stories, sage advice, easy exercises, and the occasional swear word, helping you to:
- Identify and change the self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors that stop you from getting what you want.
- Create a life you totally love. And create it NOW!
- Make some damn money already. The kind you've never made before.
By the end of You Are a Badass, you'll understand why you are how you are, how to love what you can't change, how to change what you don't love, and how to use The Force to kick some serious ass.
If I had to guess, I’d say most people either hate or love this book. I feel like it’s a hard one to be meh about.
There is nothing new here. These lessons can be found in other self-help books and pop cultures. We are capable of manifesting our world. The basic idea is that our thoughts create our world to a large extent and for most people, our self-doubt does get in our way. When we let our insecurities rule, it can be difficult to think we deserve something and so we end up sabotaging ourselves. The thing is, most of her stories she says, she talks about the universe helping her out, but her friend set are well-off people who have means. She may be vibrating on a high level, but it helps that she’s safe. If she buys a car she can’t afford, she will not go hungry. If she can’t find a place to rent, she will not be homeless. She can wrack up debt to build her dream business.
But, I do believe how you think about your life can change your life. Being open to opportunities, taking risks, putting in the work, it all matters. The point is to change our way of thinking, to believe that things are possible, with the right mindset, energy, and work.
Do I think acting like I’m a millionaire is a good idea? No. Do I think that imagining where I want to be, believing I can get there, and then working toward that is a good idea? Yes.
Sincero writes about gratitude and surrender and faith. She wants you to remember that the Universe loves you. And she wants you to love yourself.
Bright as it is that cover certainly stands out. Beyond that though …
Hmm! “You Are a Badass” “Desperately want to improve their lives but don’t want to get busted doing it”. Do you know I’m not even sure what that means exactly so I’m guessing this is aimed at a very different market than women of my age. Then again, there’s really no telling.
Yeah, she’s trying to be trendy, but I don’t think the actual advice of follow your dreams has an age limit.