Off the Air by Christina EstesOff the Air by Christina Estes
Narrator: Marcella Black
Published by Dreamscape Media on March 26, 2024
Source: NetGalley
Genres: Mystery
Length: 8 hrs 30 mins
Pages: 319
Format: Audiobook
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Equal parts thought-provoking and entertaining, Emmy Award winning reporter Christina Estes introduces Jolene Garcia in her Tony Hillerman Prize winning debut, Off the Air .

Jolene Garcia is a local TV reporter in Phoenix, Arizona, splitting her time between covering general assignments―anything from a monsoon storm to a newborn giraffe at the zoo―and special projects. Stories that take more time to research and produce. Stories that Jolene wants to tell.

When word gets out about a death at a radio station, Jolene and other journalists swarm the scene, intent on reporting the facts first. The body is soon identified as Larry Lemmon, a controversial talk show host, who died under suspicious circumstances. Jolene conducted his final interview, giving her and her station an advantage. But not for long.

As the story heats up, so does the competition. Jolene is determined to solve this murder. It’s an investigation that could make or break her career―if it doesn't break her first.

Off the Air features Phoenix television reporter, Jolene Garcia, who is covering the murder of a local conservative radio talk show host. Jolene is always on the lookout for the next big story, so she jumps right into this one, trying to get exclusive interviews, information on the air before any of the competitors, and the best leads. I will say I didn’t always like Jolene. She is determined, but totally willing to hurt people along the way, but I could feel her frustration when she had info she couldn’t share or when someone “stole” her interview. I’m also a little tired of backstories lately. Jolene was in the foster system for years before being adopted by her grandmother more out of responsibility than love. She was attacked by a dog when she was a child, causing a fear of dogs that of course comes into play. She also made an inaccurate report at her previous job that affects how she does her work. I think I’m ready for just a protagonist who has had a relatively normal life, except for solving the occasional murder. (Happily, I’m listening to Murder at the Vicarage. Miss Marple has just that kind of uneventful life.)

The mystery itself was fine, although there was more emphasis on the journalism and behind the camera drama than on solving the case. But it was interesting look into the life of tv journalists/ multimedia reporters. The victim was unlikeable and a media personality, so we had plenty of suspects. I can’t say I was surprised by who the killer was, but I did understand the motive.

I listened to the audiobook and the narrator did a good job. She gave each character their own distinct voice and kept the pace moving along.

Overall, this was enjoyable enough. I liked the peek into a news station and Jolene was a competent investigator.

About Christina Estes

Christina Estes received the Tony Hillerman Prize for Best First Mystery Set in the Southwest. Off the Air features a TV reporter investigating the suspicious death of a controversial radio talk show host and was inspired by Christina’s career. Currently a journalist for the NPR member station in Phoenix, Christina’s reporting has appeared nationally on NPR and CBS, and in the Arizona Republic, Arizona Business Gazette and Phoenix Business Journal.

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  • Coincidentally, I just got an email from the publisher recommending this book yesterday and put it on reserve at the library. Maybe it shouldn’t be too high on my TBR, based on your review. However, sometimes it is hard to find a good audiobook so maybe I should look for that instead of the print copy.


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