How to Piss Off Men by Kyle PrueHow to Piss Off Men: 106 Things to Say to Shatter the Male Ego by Kyle Prue
Narrator: Kyle Prue
Published by Recorded Books on September 17, 2024
Source: Purchased
Genres: Humor, Non-fiction, How to
Length: 1 hr 53 mins
Pages: 144
Format: Audiobook
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Have you ever been badgered by an annoying pick-up artist at the bar? Ever felt a burning desire to emotionally torture a friend’s boyfriend in an act of revenge? Have you ever endured just talking to a man before?

If so, then this book is for you.

With more than 100 phrases, questions, and comebacks, How to Piss Off Men is your essential guide to sending even the most relentless mansplainer into an existential crisis. Whether it’s referring to his expensive NFL jersey as “cosplay” or letting him know he has the confidence of a much taller man, this handbook will ensure you’re equipped to combat toxic masculinity in any situation.*

* The advice in this book has been thoroughly tested for effectiveness. Even on the author, bless his heart.

How to Piss Off Men is not a book I would usually pick up, but I was looking for a How To book for one of the challenges I’m doing. “Funny” books don’t usually work for me, but maybe I was just in the right mood, or it was short enough that I actually found it amusing. The author/narrator is funny and sincere. Not all of the “insults” are particularly original and some I didn’t quite get, but it’s not just ways to insult men. Although it is that, it’s also an invitation to men to look at why those comments/questions make them angry. I think the author also sees it as a call to continue to tear down the patriarchy.

I listened to the audio which the author narrated himself. I think it made the jokes funnier than if I read them in print and the musing more heartfelt. It also included a conversation between Prue and his mom at the end that went into a little more of the thought behind the books and about Prue’s life and family. And a reminder that maybe he didn’t ghost you, maybe he’s in the hospital or jail.

I’m saying you should necessarily go out and buy this book, but it might be a fun one to have sitting on your coffee table.

About Kyle Prue

Kyle Prue is a New York Times bestselling author and TikTok personality known best for his “How to Piss Off Men” series, where he shares the one-liners anybody can say to really get under a man’s skin. He graduated from the University of Michigan and now lives in Los Angeles. He is the author of the young adult trilogy FEUD, the creator of the YouTube series “Rabbit,” and the founder of Sparking Literacy, a non profit dedicated to improving literacy in at risk teens.

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