“At Manny’s”

Image credit: At Manny's 358 words Brad glanced behind him. He knew he was being paranoid, that the eyes he felt watching him didn't exist, that the footsteps he heard echoing his own on the empty street were in his imagination, but he couldn't help it. The document he carried in a manila envelope shoved deep in the inside pocket of his duster was making him nervous. He hadn't been stupid enough to read it, he was after all just a well-paid delivery boy, but Johnson had made it very clear that he was being trusted with dangerous information. Brad pushed in the door of Manny's bar, cigarette smoke hitting him in the face along with the smell of stale beer. He actually liked the hole-in-the-wall, he felt at home here with the lack of pretensions, the tendency of the patrons to mind their own business. No questions, no small talk. His gaze settled on the booth in the far back corner. A woman...
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Full Moon (flash fiction)

Full Moon by Carol 365 words The full moon had called her out to the forest tonight, as she knew it would. She could have resisted, it was always a choice, but why? She loved the freedom, the joy in running through the trees, the metallic taste of blood when she caught her prey. And she had a special prey in mind. She stretched feeling the burning start in her hands, blazing to her center. Pain ripped through her, familiar and intoxicating. Then the moment passed and she lie on the forest floor, panting, her white silk dress in tatters beside her. Slowly she rose, her silvery fur barely contrasting with the forest's shadows. Her ears perked at the sound of howls from the nearby hills, but she ignored them. She would not be running with the pack tonight. She headed south, her large paws soundless, and sniffed the air. Jake had made a mistake yesterday, talking at the bar about his fishing trip. He...
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One minute about Cake

Image source: Easy Cake Ideas I found The One-Minute Writer the other day and I though it was a really neat idea. Yes, this is fiction. David knows way better than to put over 30-some odd candles on my birthday cake. Cake There were too many candles on the cake, just annoying. Otherwise it was perfect, white cake with white icing, multi-colored sprinkles, but those two candles yelled loud and clear, he forgot. He doesn’t know how old I am. What else had he forgotten, or not bothered to remember, over the years?...
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The Mariposa (flash fiction)

Image source:Unknown The Mariposa by Carol 376 words The Queen stared out the window, seeing the desolation surrounding the tower, the trees and flowers that were dying even with the daily care her slaves provided. That damned man was costing her everything. She was well aware that the drought was too localized to be nature. The outlying villages were in no peril of starving, their gardens still green with vegetables growing plentifully. Thankfully she had been intelligent enough to enforce a tribute years ago. As long as her people ate, she would, her army would make certain of that. What farmer would dare argue? But still, her beautiful garden. She needed the Mariposa, the one who could bring life back to the plants, the one who could rejuvenate the land. Of course, the girl had other uses too, returning youth only a part of her power, and even he would not dare attack if it would endanger the Mariposa. The girl’s potential value was enormous,...
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Refuge (flash fiction)

Artwork: 3D Fantasy Art Refuge by Carol 375 words Calmly Iloena raised her bow, aiming at the travelers walking on the road in the valley, watching the three men intently. She released the arrow, hitting the oldest of the men first. Quickly she killed the other two in turn. This was her land and she refused entry to strangers, a well-known fact. Even if the men had entered the area in all innocence, Iloena believed that the safety of her land and those she protected was worth too much; she would eliminate any threats. The regal white unicorn galloped across the field to Iloena’s side, whinnying. She solidly patted the creature’s shoulder, comforting it as much as possible. Death always upset it. It seemed to grieve every loss of life, friend or enemy. It stared at Iloena for a moment, then ambled away. It was rare that Iloena had to deal with strangers. Usually, the tales of giants and dragons roaming the hills discouraged foreigners, but...
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Join me

I entered a great short story writing contest Pia's running over at So Many Books, So Little Time, So Here's Mine. And I mean really short, as in ten sentences. From her blog: If there was such a contest to write a story in 10 sentences or less, could you? Would you do it? If you’re game, then let the good times begin. The Fun Contest/Challenge 1. In 10 sentences or less write a short story in the genre of choice. Please include what genre it is. 2. Enter the story in the comments below and please INCLUDE your email address. 3. Like our FB Page So Many Books, So Little Time, So Here’s Mine 4. The more entries we have the more fun it will be so please repost in Twitter, FB or your blog and mention where you did. Contest Ends May 7th at 10pm EST Prizes There will be 5 books in different genres (U.S. and Canada only) to be given away and a $10 Amazon Gift Card (open...
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