Mailbox Monday and Library Loot
Thanks to Marcia at The Printed Page for hosting Mailbox Monday. I love coming home after work and finding a package waiting for me. Amber was happy this week, too, because one is perfect for her to read this summer.
Viva Cisco by Patrick Shannon
Viva Cisco is a trilogy of funny stories for kids. All three tales unfold in a land called Topopootl, which lies in a hidden valley deep in the heart of Mexico. Because of its seclusion, the inhabitants have created a society without the benefit of human contact, and they don't seem to have missed out on anything important in the absence of that dubious blessing. In fact, they probably have more pure merriment and boisterous excitement than any human community could ever conceive. Much of the credit for that, though, must be laid at the feet of Topopootl's most..uh.. stimulating citizen, one Cisco las Verde Arara del Gucigalpa. Aka, Cisco the Parrot.
The Scarecrow by Michael Connelly (audiobook)
Forced out of...