Edison: The Mystery of the Missing Mouse Treasure by Torben Kuhlmann
I loved Kuhlmann's Armstrong, so was happy to have the chance to read Edison: The Mystery of the Missing Mouse Treasure. I adored it.
A little mouse, Pete, wants to find his ancestor's treasure. The problem is that all the little mouse knows is that his ancestor sailed across the Atlantic and was never heard from again. He asks Professor Mouse to help him and together they find the ship that the mouse sailed on. Unfortunately the boat sank in the middle of the ocean, presumably with the treasure on board. Just like so many other mice, the Professor and Pete are very clever. It requires a lot of experimentation, research and a trip to the museum, but they build a mouse submarine that allows them to get to the bottom of the ocean and retrieve the treasure. They also discover what happened to Pete's ancestor - don't worry, he had a happy ending. He was rescued from the ship, just like all the...