Putin’s People by Catherine Belton

Putin’s People by Catherine Belton

Putin's People is a clearly well-researched, possibly slightly biased, history of Putin, the KGB, and Russia from the fall of the Soviet Union to a couple of years ago. This was obviously published before the current war, but you can still see it coming. Honestly, the war is why I picked it up. I don't read much history or politics or economics, but then something happens and I wish I had more background to draw on. I am probably not the best audience for this book. There are tons and tons of people, places, companies, very few of which I'm familiar with. It's a dense book and I won't remember many of the details, but it's also well laid out and at times almost reads like a thriller. The Russia of today isn’t much different from the Russia before 1991 and the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Not only are the viewpoints, world views, and goals for the most part...
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Secrets on the Côte d’Azur by Matthew Costello and Neil Richards

Secrets on the Côte d’Azur by Matthew Costello and Neil Richards

Yep, it's another one of the Mydworth mysteries. Secrets on the Côte d'Azur might be my favorite so far. Harry and Kat are on a work/pleasure trip to the French Riviera. Harry has to do a bit of government work and then they can enjoy themselves. Until Aunt Lavinia introduces them to a friend in need of help. Percy Porter, an English pickle baron, is being blackmailed over his relationship with a younger French cabaret singer. The mystery is good. Harry and Kat do a lot asking questions and tailing people. I appreciated the twist in the whodunnit. The characters in this one were great. Harry and Kat are their usual charming selves, but we meet some new people who are entertaining and add a lot to the story....
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The Wrong Man by Matthew Costello and Neil Richards

The Wrong Man by Matthew Costello and Neil Richards

The Wrong Man is #7 in the Mydworth series. I don't know that it can really stand alone. I think you'd miss too much about Kat and Harry's place in the village, and honestly, they're each short and fun so why not read them all? Actually, I listen to them. They are perfect for car rides, for walking the dog, for doing chores. The Wrong Man is interesting, has some twists and turns, but is light enough that doesn't need your full attention. It is almost Valentine’s day when Kat and Harry are asked to do whatever they can to save Oliver Brown who is set to be hung for murdering his lifelong friend Ben Carter. The problem is the evidence is overwhelming, and the execution is at dawn in just a couple of days. I really wish the wife would have talked to them earlier, but that would have taken away the tension the deadline provides. Ben’s murder was a...
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Danger in the Air by Neil Richards and Matthew Costello

Danger in the Air by Neil Richards and Matthew Costello

Amelia Earhart is in England doing a series of shows in order to raise money toward the “Ninety-Nines” – a new organization Amelia is helping found for all female aviators worldwide. Amelia has just finished a show in London and she, along with her sister, Pidge, American reporter Ronald Greene, scheduling agent Wallace Smythe, and chief engineer Paddy O’Brien are heading to a fundraiser at Mydworth Manor. She is flying in a new plane, the Firefly, while the others are driving there. Of course, something happens to the plane, but Amelia manages to land it without injury or damage. Harry realizes that the accident could have been an attempt on Amelia's life and he and his wife, Kat, decide to find out who caused the sabotage and to make sure it doesn't happen again. We've got several suspects, but it was pretty easy to figure out who the bad guy was. Overall, it's a fun story, but not my favorite of...
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The Enchanted April by Elizabeth von Arnim

The Enchanted April by Elizabeth von Arnim

The Enchanted April is a charming novel, light and breezy and sweet. It's about love and life and being oneself. It's funny and perceptive. The writing is descriptive and witty. Four women, more or less strangers, are escaping dreary London and their dreary lives to spend April in a castle in Italy. They are each unhappy and lonely in their own way, dissatisfied with their lives. Lottie and Rose are in unhappy marriages. Lady Caroline is tired of being fawned over and surrounded by people clamoring for her attention. Mrs. Fisher is a grumpy older woman, a widow who relies on a cane. She, by the way, has some of the funniest moments in the book. Then San Salvatore works its magic on them, first one then more slowly the others. They come out of their shells and relax. They begin to realize what is actually important. They enjoy the beauty around them and in general become more happy, more loving...
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A Deadly Inside Scoop by Abby Collette

A Deadly Inside Scoop by Abby Collette

A Deadly Inside Scoop is the first book in the Ice Cream Parlor mystery series. Bronwyn "Win" has taken over the family ice cream shop, and she is off to a rocky start with the weather and then finding a body in the snow. It starts to look like her father is a suspect. Win and her friend Maisie team up and do some amateur sleuthing to find out who killed Stephen Bayard, a con man who has a past with Win's family. I love the ice cream shop and the flavors Win comes up with. I also like that it's set in my home state. I've never been to Chagrin Falls, but it sounds like a cute town. I liked Win and her family well enough, especially her grandfather. Win has two best friends, Riya and Maisie. Riya has quite a temper and Maisie is a little ditzy and maybe watches too many mystery tv shows. They are both mostly...
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