Cherringham #4-6 by Matthew Costello and Neil Richards

Cherringham #4-6 by Matthew Costello and Neil Richards

I enjoyed this second collection of Cherringham novellas. Cherringham itself is a good setting, a typical small English town with its bar and bakery, its quirky townsfolk and always a murder or theft or something going on. Jack and Sarah make a good team. They are both smart and talented in their own ways. Jack is a former police detective and knows the ins and out of solving crimes. Questioning people comes naturally to Sarah and as at least a semi-local she knows a lot of people, she's also the one who does the computer research and occasional hacking. In "Thick as Thieves," a potentially valuable artifact is found on a farm. It is put in a retired professor's safe but is stolen over night. Sarah had been covering the story of the artifact for the town's paper and is of course curious. Her computer skills definitely come in helpful here, as do Jack's stake out abilities. I can't say I...
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Cherringham #1-3 by Matthew Costello and Neil Richards

Cherringham #1-3 by Matthew Costello and Neil Richards

I was looking for a short, light read and remembered Scared to Death, #27 in this series, which I read around this time last year. I remembered enjoying it and thinking I should read more in the series, so I picked up this first compilation. It was a good choice. Each of the episodes is self-contained, although they all star Jack and Sarah. They work well together and I like that, at least so far, they're friends, nothing more. We also get to meet Sarah's family and of course each episode introduces more of the townspeople. "Murder on the Thames" is our introduction to the pair. How they meet and end up working together actually makes sense. Sarah's old friend is found dead on the edge of the river just downstream from Jack's barge. When she stops by to ask him a couple of questions, she mentions that the police are considering it a suicide. Jack, former NYPD, knows that it can't...
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The Invisible Woman by Rachel Stuhler

The women of Geek Actually are all going through tough times in Episode #2. The episode started with a bit of their group chat and to be honest I wasn't a fan of that style. I was happy the author went back to a regular narration quickly. Taneesha is still not being appreciated at her new company. I'm hoping she moves on soon. She is worth way more than they're giving her credit for. We're finally really meeting Christina and I'm not sure what to think of her yet. I think the new actress on set, Vivi, is definitely bad news for her, even if she's fun for the time being. Michelle's husband is officially out of the house, but she really is does spend too much of her energy on work and not enough on relationships. This is the second episode with a bit of a steamy section. Even though they're geeks, these women are pretty, smart and sexy. They may...
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WTF by Cathy Yardley

Amber and I were talking yesterday about what makes me a geek - because I'm obviously a geek. Just the fact that I write book reviews for fun probably qualifies me, but add in our weekly board game night and the fact that we literally had a 45 minute discussion on monster types the other day and there's little doubt. But I don't have any geeky female friends like the women of Geek Actually. I do wish I had a group of friends like them. In this episode, we meet all the women and learn a bit about where they're at in their lives. We see their jobs, husbands and lovers. It's fun and sexy but it also touches on some heavier topics  like body image and sexism. I love the diverse cast of characters and people who I have something in common with (not that I ever go out of my way to swing by a PokeStop). I have read serial...
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