Death by Dumpling by Vivien Chien

Death by Dumpling by Vivien Chien

Death by Dumpling has been sitting on my Kindle for longer than I'd like to admit. I know why I picked it up originally. The cover is great, it's set in Cleveland, and it sounds like a fun mystery. I am so happy I finally got around to reading it. Lana is just quirky enough. She's a bit down on her luck and has been moping around her apartment a little too much, but there's nothing like being a potential murder suspect to get you out of the house again, at least if you've decided you need to solve the case before you or a friend is found guilty. The Ho-Lee Noodle House is in an Asian-themed shopping center. They're are plenty of regulars at the restaurant and most of the staff at the various shops all seem to know each other. It's like a little community, and a lot of the folks are connected, friends, family, so when one of...
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Spotlight: Duke with Benefits by Manda Collins

Read an excerpt: “There you are, my dear,” said the Earl of Forsyth with a beaming smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. Maitland saw at once that Daphne favored him. Her green eyes were the same shade as his, though there were lines of dissipation bracketing the earl’s. And though his expertly cropped blond hair was shot through with silver, what remained of its original color was the same shade as hers. But whereas Daphne’s gaze was focused off to the left of whomever she conversed with, like a bird hovering just over a branch, Forsyth’s speared one with cold calculation. As he did to Daphne now. “You are looking well, Daphne,” the earl continued, stepping forward to embrace his daughter, who looked as uncomfortable with the contact as Maitland had ever seen her. “The sea air agrees with you. As I knew it would.” “The sea is very beautiful,” Daphne replied woodenly. “Why are you here, Father?” “Is that any way to greet...
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Blame It on the Mistletoe by Nicole Michaels

This is just a feel good, Christmas romance. Brooke and Alex have both had some not so great times in their pasts, but they're pa perfect couple. They knew each other when they were younger, grew up in the same town, but they've both grown some, overcome some challenges. And they don't dwell on their pasts. Granted they fall in love quickly, but I was okay with it. It was sweet. And they were so good together. I never doubted that there would be a happy ending, which I consider a good thing. I like a bit of predictability. There were sparks between the two almost immediately, but of course some miscommunications crept in. It all works out really nicely though. It was actually pretty much exactly what I'm looking for in a seasonal romance. It was light, enjoyable, and they did Christmassy things together. I just love holiday books like this one. They're a part of the season as much as the...
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