We Were Kings by Court Stevens

We Were Kings by Court Stevens

We Were Kings is one of those stories that you just want to keep listening to, even if you should be doing something else. With the passage of the accelerated death penalty, time is running out for Frankie, convicted of murdering her best friend Cora King 20 years ago. There was little evidence then and no new clues have surfaced since. Frankie’s other best friend Beth insists she’s innocent. Beth's daughter Nyla wants to know the truth, so heads back to the island where it all happened, where her mom grew up. Nyla is a good character, determined and caring. I liked her friendship with Sam and her relationship with her mom. Some of the other characters were one-dimensional, but quite honestly that worked for the story. We don't need everyone to be fully fleshed out. From Nyla's point of view, all of them are suspicious and capable of murder and/or attempting to intimidate her — that's the...
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For the Love by Jen Hatmaker

For the Love is more a collection of essays, and random funny bits, centered around loving ourselves and loving others, rather than a unified book. I wasn't expecting that, so it kind of put me off at first, but once I got into the groove I found a lot it relatable and funny and occasionally inspirational. I really enjoyed Hatmaker's voice. For a Christian writer, she is hilarious and hits on some of the exact things I feel. The book is pretty light overall, in part because of the amusing tidbits and asides. It's about loving others, near and far, but there isn't really much new in it. At the same time, her love of Jesus, of the church, of people shines through. Some things that stood out for me: "We need to quit trying to be awesome and instead be wise." (7) "If it isn't also true for a poor single Christian mom in Haiti, it isn't true." (19) Two of the later chapters were...
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Love Does by Bob Goff

I picked up Love Does on the recommendation of a friend. On the one hand, I can see why she liked it, on the other hand I expected more from it. Love Does is about getting out there and doing things, not just talking about them or wishing them. It's about going big. To illustrate this, Goff uses a story from his life - and man does he have some stories, and connecting it to a Biblical truth. Sometimes those connections are stretching a little and some of his stories are not necessarily as amusing or relatable as he seems to think. I am glad i listened to the audio, which is narrated by Goff. It's like he's telling you the stories himself. In print some of them may have come off as bragging, but from his voice he seems honest and like a truly good guy who takes advantage of any and all opportunities life gives him and makes his own....
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