Turkeys and Thanksgiving by Leena Clover

Turkeys and Thanksgiving by Leena Clover

Turkeys and Thanksgiving was my first visit to Pelican Cove, but it was a cute story. Mr. Harrison's prize turkey is missing and he asks Jenny, our amateur sleuth, to find it after the police don't take him seriously. Jenny and her friends, the Magnolias, seem fun and like the type to get into predicaments. I like how the town seems to pull together, like for a Thanksgiving potluck. The mystery itself wasn't terribly complicated, but this is a novella so I wouldn't expect it to be. It was a good holiday read and a nice introduction to the series for me. ...
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The Snowman Killer by Wendy Meadows

The Snowman Killer by Wendy Meadows

I have to admit I was less than impressed by the beginning of The Snowman Killer. It was a bit confusing at first. Sarah, a former homicide detective, has moved to a small town in Alaska for a fresh start. She now owns a coffee shop and writes mystery stories under a pseudonym. But someone is using the plot of her own book to threaten her. And there's a new detective in town who knows more about her than she's comfortable with. Once I settled into the story though it was enjoyable enough. The plot moves along quickly and takes some twists and turns or jumps depending on how you look at it. There are several characters to keep straight and we don't really get to know them well because it is so short. It was free, which was nice too. As a series, it has potential. I'll probably at least give the next one a read. ...
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It Burns by Marc Fennel

It Burns by Marc Fennel

I am not a fan of hot things. I don't like my salsa above medium, I avoid jalapenos. I am a wuss when it comes to spicy things. But It Burns was one of the free Audible Originals this month and for some reason the app was having trouble downloading the book I actually used a credit on. (I finally got Bleak House downloaded. It's going to take forever to listen to - 45 hours. Anybody out there love it?) Apparently, the pepper business and the whole hot pepper community is crazier and more cutthroat than I would ever have guessed. It's a whole world that I never knew existed. This audiobook is short, under three hours, but full of people hurting themselves and finding themselves through peppers. It's really rather fascinating in a dark, bizarre way. Marc Fennel narrates It Burns, but it's not a traditional book. We get to hear his interviews with growers fanatics, even his mom. His style...
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The Dispatcher by John Scalzi

The Dispatcher by John Scalzi

The Dispatcher was one of the the free Audible Originals this month and since I'm a Scalzi fan of course I picked it up. At heart it's a mystery. A man is missing, probably kidnapped based on the evidence at his home. One of his co-workers is coerced by the investigator on the case to help her, since he knows the ins and outs of the victim's job better than she does. The kicker is that the man was a dispatcher. In a world where it's almost impossible to be murdered—you can die of natural causes or an accident, but those who are murdered come back 99.9% of the time—dispatchers provide a second chance. They kill you if an operation goes awry, if you're injured beyond hope in a car accident. Then, you wake up at home, naked, but otherwise fine, just like you were in the few hours before the trauma. Tony is a good guy, at least at the...
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Moonshine & Murder by Kathleen Brooks

Moonshine & Murder by Kathleen Brooks

Zoey's life in LA fell apart dramatically in the most public and embarrassing way possible. And the scene in the book is funny, but this is a novella at just over 100 pages and it's so fun that I don't want to ruin any of it for you. Anyway, fate brings her to Moonshine Hollow, Tennessee where she sets up a bakery and honestly, her new life makes her happier than her old one ever did. Zoey has a "family" in Moonshine Hollow and close friends and she's feeling like her life is coming back together. And then, another fateful night. A man in town is murdered, her best friend is accused, and she becomes a witch. Of course, she needs to get her friend off the hook, figure out her new powers, and flirt with a couple of sexy men. And maybe save the world. Moonshine & Murder is fun. It's short and there's a lot going on, so maybe the...
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Mailbox Monday – 3/18

Mailbox Monday – 3/18

Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came in their mailbox during the last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists. Tell us about your new arrivals by adding your Mailbox Monday post to the linky at mailboxmonday.wordpress.com. The first was a freebie for Kindle when I grabbed it. And I picked up a couple from NetGalley because I have no self-control. ...
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