24in48 Readathon

24in48 Readathon

The 24in48 Readathon just started. This is the first time I'm participating, but it seems fun. From the website: This is the basic gist: beginning at 12:01am (official timezone is EST) on Saturday morning and running through 11:59pm on Sunday night, participants read for 24 hours out of that 48-hour period. You can split that up however you’d like: 20 hours on Saturday, four hours on Sunday; 12 hours each day; six four-hour sessions with four hour breaks in between. You can pause as much as you need, enjoy regularly scheduled weekend activities, nap, stop for dance breaks with your kids or pets or neighbors. Whatever works for you. As always, I'll update here, but I'm also in Instagram and Twitter as @carolsnotebook. I'm starting off with The Three Musketeers, which I'm hoping to maybe finish. I also have a couple of chapters to read in Don Quixote. If I happen to finish The Three Musketteers, or need a break from it, I may move on...
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