Sunday Salon – 4/5
Thanks to Deb at Readerbuzz for hosting The Sunday Salon. Stop over there or at the Facebook Group to participate.
We've been staying at home as much as possible, like everyone else. David's working from home and Amber's classes have gone remote. I'm still going in to the office, but I'm the only one there. I could work at home, but I feel like I wouldn't get much done that way.
Week’s Highlight:
Saturday we went over to a local lake. We didn't see anyone else while we were there, but it was a gorgeous day to be outside.
I've had lots of time to read, both at home and at work. I'll admit, though, that instead of tackling a chunkster classic, I've been reading mostly light cozies.
Last week’s post:
The Stolen Letter by Paige SheltonMurder in Moscow by Jessica Fletcher and Donald BainResorting to Murder edited by Martin Edwards
We haven't actually been watching many movies or tv yet. I have been enjoying Pittsburgh Public Theater's Playtime on Zoom...