The Motion Picture Teller by Colin Cotterill
The Motion Picture Teller is an odd book, enjoyable but meandering and soft around the edges. Does that make sense? It's being marketed as a mystery, but I think that's a little misleading. Yeah, there's kind of a mystery, but it's more about the people and the places.
The book is set in Bangkok in 1996, when you could still go to video rental stores and browse the aisles. Supot, our main character, works for the Thai Royal Mail but isn't really dedicated to his job. His friend, Ali, owns a video store and the two of them spend hours in the back of the store watching classic Western movies. In a batch of old tapes they find a movie, Bangkok 2010. The two men love the movie, which is set in a slightly dystopian future, and they watch it several times before attempting to discover who made it and why it hasn’t been released to the public. The mystery...