Teaser Tuesday

I feel like I've been in a bit of a reading slump lately. None of the books I'm currently in the middle of are grabbing my attention, so I pulled a mystery off my shelf. Ngaio Marsh never disappoints. This is from page 54 of Vintage Murder. Everyone had stopped talking. Alleyn, in the sudden silence, received a curious impression of eager dimly-lit faces that peered, of a beautiful woman standing with one arm raised, holding the scissors as a lovely Atropos might hold aloft her shears, of a fat white waistcoated man like a Blampied caricature, bent over the table, and of a red cord that vanished upwards into the dark. Suddeny he felt intolerably oppressed, aware of a suspense out of all proportion to the moment. So strong was the impression that he half rose from his chair. But at that moment Carolyn cut through the cord. And of course, this being a muder mystery, you can guess that someone dies in the...
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Teaser from Fun and Games

She loved the ocean air smashing into her face, the feel of the tires beneath as they struggled to cling to the asphalt, the hum of the machine surrounding her body, the knowledge that one twitch to the left or right at the wrong moment meant her brand-new car, along with her brand-new life, would end up at the bottom of a ravine, and maybe years later people would ask: Whatever happened to that cute actress who was in those funny romantic comedies a few year ago? Back then, she loved to drive Decker Canyon Road because it blasted all of the clutter out of her mind. (Tuesday Teaser from Location 21 of Fun and Games by Duane Swierczynski)...
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Teaser from Holmes on the Range

There are two things you can’t escape out here in the West: dust and death. They sort of swirl together in the wind, and a fellow never knows when a fresh gust is going to blow one or the other right in his face. So while I’m yet a young man, I’ve already laid eyes on every manner of demise you could put a name to. I’ve seen folks drowned, shot, stabbed, starved, frozen, poisoned, hung, crushed, gored by steers, dragged by horses, bitten by snakes, and carried off by an assortment of illnesses with which I could fill the rest of this book and another besides. So it’s quite a compliment I bestow when I say that the remains we came across the day after the big storm were the most frightful I’d ever seen. (Tuesday Teaser from Holmes on the Range by Steve Hockensmith)...
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Teaser from Soul Surfer

I found that I was competing against the same kids as before, which was great, because we all got to know each other, and I made some great new friends. These contest, while competitive in the water, are actually fun, happy events where winning is secondary to enjoying the surf, the beach, and all the companionship. (Tuesday Teaser from pg. 43 of Soul Surfer by Bethany Hamilton)...
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