Movieland by Lee Goldberg

Movieland by Lee Goldberg

As series fans will know, Eve Ronin has been through a lot. She has struggled to defend her position in the LASD. Her workload has been tough, which isn't helped by her inability to occasionally leave work at the office. Movieland does work well as a stand-alone though. Goldberg gives us enough background to know where Eve stands and what led her there. This time around, Eve and her partner, Duncan Pavone, are investigating the shooting of two campers, one of whom was killed. It turns out that this was just the latest shooting in a string of them, some of which were reported to the police and some of which the park rangers kept to themselves. When another person is killed the question becomes are all seemingly random shootings related? Are there copycats taking advantage of the situation? Because there are so many incidents, we have multiple suspects and a variety of witnesses. Goldberg does a good job keeping all...
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Bone Canyon by Lee Goldberg

Bone Canyon by Lee Goldberg

Bone Canyon takes off a few months after the end of Lost Hills, book one in the series. Since the second book builds on the first, I’d advise reading them in order. Eve has continued in the Homicide unit and still is partnered with Duncan, who reminds her at every juncture of his upcoming retirement. With that in mind, Duncan lets Eve take the lead on their case, a body that has been uncovered by recent wildfires in the Santa Monica area. The body has been there for years, but was clearly the victim of a murder. And we know that Eve is not one to give up on a case. Another body is found in the same area, so Eve and Duncan have a couple lines of investigation. As Eve uncovers more evidence, she finds information that may put her in danger and most definitely pits her against others in the Sheriff department. I love Duncan. Eve can be a...
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Mailbox Monday – 1/13

Mailbox Monday – 1/13

Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came in their mailbox during the last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists. Tell us about your new arrivals by adding your Mailbox Monday post to the linky at I made the mistake of stopping by NetGalley. Here's what I picked up. ...
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All In by Joel Goldman and Lisa Klink

All In is a fun, breezy thriller - danger, bad guys, gambling, and a touch of romance. From a New York penthouse to a luxury yacht on the Mediterranean, it's just a fun ride. There's plenty of action and not a slow spot in the book. Both Cassie and Jake are fabulous and will take your money. Cassie because it's her job - and she's very good at her job. Jake because he's a good poker player- not lucky, he just knows the odds and can read people very well. Together, they are quite a team, even if they'd rather not be and are not sure how much to trust each other. And of course there are sparks between them, even though Cassie at first and then Jake want to resist the attraction for their own reasons. Okay, so it's a fairly typical book, one that I could totally see as date movie, but the authors do it really well. The story...
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The Dead Key by D. M. Pulley

I liked the sound of this one and it's set in Cleveland, which is kinda cool. I just couldn't get into and finally set it aside. I doubt I'll pick it up again. I just didn't care about any of the characters, in '98 or the '70s. Maybe it was the back and forth between times periods and points of view that kept me disconnected or maybe I just picked it up at the wrong time. Maybe I just couldn't relate to either of the main female characters. They just seemed so young, especially Iris, who should have been an adult with a career but was more intent on drinking than working at least in the section I read. The writing wasn't bad, and the characters could have been interesting, but for me it was blah. I had to give up and move on to something I'd enjoy more. I think this is my first DNF of the year....
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