Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about bookmarks…What do you use to mark your place while reading? Do you have a definite preference? Do you use bookmarks, paper, or (gasp) turn down the pages? If you use bookmarks, do you have a favourite one?
My daughter, who is 9, makes me bookmarks with her origami paper. They’re cute little triangles that fit over the corner of the pages. I have a few different colors now, including the pinka and yellow ones I’m currently using. I would show a picture of them, but I don’t know how to use the new scanner yet.
I have to admit that I do dogear pages occasionally too, though. The nice thing about dogears is that they can’t fall out.
How do others feel about bookmarks? Check out the responses at Just One More Page…
I think that’s so nice that your daughter makes you bookmarks. I’ve tried origami, but I don’t seem to have the knack. Cute idea, though.
Dog earing is bad…origami is good…lol
I just did a big mobile of origami animals as a gift…but that has nothing to do with bookmarks.
Aw, that is so sweet that your daughter makes bookmarks for you!
I used to dog ear pages, but a lecture from a librarian cured me of that. How sweet that your daughter makes you book marks – very nice.