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I want to thank Kim Smith for taking a page in my notebook to tell us a little about her life.


a will to loveA Day in the Life of Kim Smith, Author of A Will to Love

So you wanna be a writer like me? Do you have the “write stuff”? I am a very busy woman. So, come along and let’s see what my day is like.

Today, June 29, 2009

Alarm went off at 5:25 am as it is set to do, but since I had a very sleepless night, I snoozed until 6 am. Up and at ’em, on the computer, checking emails, writing posts for blog tour, posting to groups for promos on the book.

 6:45 off to the showers and cereal bowl

7:15 off to the day job as a network admin for a hydrostatic remanufacturing co.

8:00 working at the day job invoicing, order entry, troubleshooting order issues.

10:45 take a break go for a walk for fitness and blood sugar (type two diabetic)

11:00 back to the desk to clean up before lunch. Invoicing is finished, and plans for creating new calendar for the new month coming up are in place

12:00 lunch until 1:00

1:00 back to the grind – create calendar for the new month for receptionist backup responsibilities and deliver to all departments- check on backup tape, servers etc.

3:00 finish up all orders pending waiting on international paperwork etc.

3:15 go for second walk of day same route, same reason

3:30 until five do all the things that haven’t been done.

Five pm I am free!! Homeward bound.

5:30 check emails again and answer anything undone.

6pm dinner plans made and accomplished

7:30-8 pm radio show (Introducing WRITERS!) if there is one scheduled, otherwise, read for a while

8 pm settle in for writing regime until bedtime

Bedtime can be anywhere from 10 pm until midnight.

And that is just a typical day. An untypical day would be one where I am rushing to a video/photo shoot for my business, VideoVision Entertainment. I do that on Fridays that I am off, and on Saturdays.  On Sunday, I usually really do nothing. I take naps, sunbathe, and lounge around. Or if I had a wedding on the weekend, I will upload the pics and run through them for a cull-out of bad shots. I always want another day off, so I usually am surly on Monday. Ha!

Kim Smith is the author of the new romance novel, A Will to Love.  You can visit her website at www.mkimsmith.com or her blog at www.writingspace.blogspot.com.


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