I want to thank Kim Smith for taking a page in my notebook to tell us a little about her life.
A Day in the Life of Kim Smith, Author of A Will to Love
So you wanna be a writer like me? Do you have the “write stuff”? I am a very busy woman. So, come along and let’s see what my day is like.
Today, June 29, 2009
Alarm went off at 5:25 am as it is set to do, but since I had a very sleepless night, I snoozed until 6 am. Up and at ’em, on the computer, checking emails, writing posts for blog tour, posting to groups for promos on the book.
6:45 off to the showers and cereal bowl
7:15 off to the day job as a network admin for a hydrostatic remanufacturing co.
8:00 working at the day job invoicing, order entry, troubleshooting order issues.
10:45 take a break go for a walk for fitness and blood sugar (type two diabetic)
11:00 back to the desk to clean up before lunch. Invoicing is finished, and plans for creating new calendar for the new month coming up are in place
12:00 lunch until 1:00
1:00 back to the grind – create calendar for the new month for receptionist backup responsibilities and deliver to all departments- check on backup tape, servers etc.
3:00 finish up all orders pending waiting on international paperwork etc.
3:15 go for second walk of day same route, same reason
3:30 until five do all the things that haven’t been done.
Five pm I am free!! Homeward bound.
5:30 check emails again and answer anything undone.
6pm dinner plans made and accomplished
7:30-8 pm radio show (Introducing WRITERS!) if there is one scheduled, otherwise, read for a while
8 pm settle in for writing regime until bedtime
Bedtime can be anywhere from 10 pm until midnight.
And that is just a typical day. An untypical day would be one where I am rushing to a video/photo shoot for my business, VideoVision Entertainment. I do that on Fridays that I am off, and on Saturdays. On Sunday, I usually really do nothing. I take naps, sunbathe, and lounge around. Or if I had a wedding on the weekend, I will upload the pics and run through them for a cull-out of bad shots. I always want another day off, so I usually am surly on Monday. Ha!
Kim Smith is the author of the new romance novel, A Will to Love. You can visit her website at www.mkimsmith.com or her blog at www.writingspace.blogspot.com.
Thanks so much for having me on Carol’s Notebook today!
It was so interesting to get a peak into the life of an author! I’m going to check out Kim’s book and website!
Thanks Bonnie!! I hope you enjoy it!
I’ve heard it said that the busier you are, the more you get done. That seems to be true in your case. Kim, you do SO MUCH!
Sounds like you keep pretty busy. Not many people are regimented and dedicated enough to be able to accomplish that type of schedule.
Yes, I do stay busy. It can take a toll over time, and then I will have to take a break, but I do enjoy my life! thanks for stopping by Dave!