september wrap-up

I’ve never done a monthly wrap-up before, but I thought it might be a good idea. Kind of give me an idea of where I’ve been, where I’m going. I’m not sure what all I’m going to put in these posts, so bear with me as I get it figured out.

This month I only read six books.

  1. Laced with Magic by Barbara Bretton
  2. The Witchโ€™s Grave by Shirley Damsgaard
  3. The Fairy-Tale Detectives (Sisters Grimm #1)ย by Michael Buckley
  4. Wife of the Gods by Kwei Quartey
  5. Lucan by Susan Kearney
  6. Three Samurai Cats retold by Eric A. Kimmel

I read the Sisters Gimm with Amber and Samurai Cats when she had one of her friends over. Her friend loves cats and Amber loves having me read aloud before bed, so it worked out well. Of the “adult” books, two are mysteries and two are romances, but three out of the four have paranormal/fantasy elements, four out of five, if you count the Sisters Grimm.

I also listened to one audiobook with my daughter.

  1. Bunnicula Meets Edgar Allan Crow by James Howe

It was cute, but not my favorite of the Bunnicula series. It is, however, a good way of introducing Edgar Allan Poe to kids, since the crow is named after him.

How am I doing on my challenges?

100+ – I’m at 99
What’s in a Name? – 4/6
A-Z – 36/52
Erotica – 1/10 (I’m declaring failure on this one.)
Chunkster – 2/3 (But I’m reading one now.)
RIP – 0/1 (The one I’m currently reading fits here, too.)

At home, it’s been an interesting month. We went to the lake over Labor Day Weekend, which was a lot of fun and very relaxing. David got laid off a week or two ago, but has been keeping busy doing odd jobs here and there. Amber got into the Talented and Gifted class at school and hosted her first sleep-over at our house.

I should probably list any goals for next month, huh? First, I need to finish The Shadow of the Wind and The Lost Years of Merlin. I’m hoping to read a couple of Halloweeny books, too, and Briar Rose. I also really want to participate in the read-a-thon, if David doesn’t throw a fit. (Our anniversary’s that weekend.) On the blog, I’ve got at least one guest post planned and a couple of giveaways coming up, so keep an eye out for those.


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