Alice from Hello, My Name is Alice gave me this lovely award! Thank you so much!

Now, the rule is nominate seven other bloggers for this and then tell everybody seven things about yourself.

I would love to pass this on to all of you. You’re each beautiful, but I’ll follow the rules this time.

  1. Freda @ Freda’s Voice
  2. She always goes out of her way to offer an encouraging word to Amber, my daughter, when I post one of her drawings.

  3. Esme @ Chocolate and Croissants
  4. I love her combination of reading and food, two of my favorite things.

  5. Ryan @ Wordsmithonia
  6. Not only does he read wonderful books, he also has a fictional character feature that often reminds me of old favorites.

  7. Jeaneย  @ DogEar Diary
  8. She reads the books I can picture my daughter reading as she gets older.

  9. Blodeuedd @ Book girl of Mur-y-Castell
  10. I love her taste in books.

  11. Stacy @ Stacy’s Books
  12. She has fantastic quizzes, even if I never know the answers.

  13. Jen @ The Movieholic & Bilbiophile’s Blog
  14. I love all the time and energy she puts into her reviews. She does a wonderful job.

Now, I need to share seven things about me.
  1. I play the piano. I was so happy when we moved into our house, no more banging on the walls from the people in the next apartment when I play too loudly.
  2. I love Christmas music. I’ve had it out since October. I love the decorations too and have a couple of things that I leave out all year round.
  3. I love reading, but have a horrible tendency to peek ahead to see what’s going to happen, or who did it, or who’s alive at the end. Sometimes I just can’t stand not knowing.
  4. I’m a big fan of playing board games, with family and friends.
  5. I hate cold weather. My hands and feet have felt like ice for two months now, and we don’t even live someplace really cold.
  6. My totally unrealistic fear is that there will be someone hiding behind the shower curtain, so I have to pull it back and check whenever I’m in a bathroom. Once, we were at a friend’s house and there was a mirrored shower door behind the curtain. I guess they could hear my shriek in the next room.
  7. I love scrapbooks, making them, looking through them. It’s a hobby I’ve neglected lately but am hoping to get back to in the new year.


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