
I want to take a moment to thank some people for wonderful awards they've passed on to me. I've been pretty slow at this, so I do apologize. Thanks to Lisa at Book Blab for this delicious-looking award. 10 things that make me happy today: Blue sky Daffodils Paczkis Marshmallow peeps Girl Scout cookies Bookmarks Planning summer activities My piano Coffee My car started Thanks to Kim at Metroreader for passing on the Over the Top Award. I've answered these questions before, but things change. Also, you're supposed to use one word per answer but I 've decided in advance to cheat a little. Your Cell Phone? In my pocket Your Hair? Needs cut Your Favorite Food? Spaghetti and sauce Your Dream Last Night? None Your Favorite Drink? Dr Pepper Your Dream/Goal? Not to have to work What Room Are You In? Office Your Hobby? Blogging Your Fear? Buried alive Where Do You Want To Be In Six Years? The beach Where Were You Last Night? Church Something That You Aren’t? A worrier Muffins? Yes, please. Wish List Item? New computer Where...
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I received a couple of awards this week that I wanted to share. Freda, from Freda's Voice, awarded me with the Humane Award. Thank you so much! This award is to honor certain bloggers that are kindhearted individuals. They regularly take part in my blog and always leave the sweetest comments. If it wasn't for them, my site would just be an ordinary book review blog. Their blogs are also amazing and are tastefully done on a daily basis. I thank them and look forward to our growing friendship through the blog world. I want to pass this on to a few fellow bloggers. Bermudaonion's Weblog Stacy's Books Beth Fish Reads Book Girl of Mur-y Castell Diary of an Eccentric And Ryan at Wordsmithonia gave me this cute award. Thank you so much! But now I want icing. I'm supposed to list 10 things that make me happy, then pass this on to 10 other bloggers. 10 Things that Make Me Happy Birthday cake with lots of icing Sugar cookies Days off Watching a movie...
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I've gotten a few awards lately that I wanted to thank people for. Freda, from Freda's Voice, passed this one back to me. Thanks so much. Now, the rule is nominate seven other bloggers for this and then tell everybody seven things about yourself. I'm skipping the nominating other bloggers. You're all beautiful. Seven things about me, huh? You guys already know a lot, but here goes. Seven things about me: My feet are cold. Have been since October. I'm drinking black coffee. I need new glasses. Mine are all scratched up. I stole some of David's quarters so I can grab lunch at Wendy's if I want. Really it's an excuse to read, because if I go home for lunch I know I'll do other things. My current book is Fired Up by Jayne Ann Krentz, which is only a seven day loan from the library, so it skipped to the head of the line. I just ordered myself an MP-3 player. I'm wearing watermelon sorbet lip gloss. Freda also sent...
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Alice from Hello, My Name is Alice gave me this lovely award! Thank you so much! Now, the rule is nominate seven other bloggers for this and then tell everybody seven things about yourself. I would love to pass this on to all of you. You're each beautiful, but I'll follow the rules this time. Freda @ Freda's Voice She always goes out of her way to offer an encouraging word to Amber, my daughter, when I post one of her drawings. Esme @ Chocolate and Croissants I love her combination of reading and food, two of my favorite things. Ryan @ Wordsmithonia Not only does he read wonderful books, he also has a fictional character feature that often reminds me of old favorites. Jeane  @ DogEar Diary She reads the books I can picture my daughter reading as she gets older. Blodeuedd @ Book girl of Mur-y-Castell I love her taste in books. Stacy @ Stacy's Books She has fantastic quizzes, even if I never know the answers. Jen @ The Movieholic & Bilbiophile's...
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