Today’s BBAW top is Community.
The world of book blogging has grown enormously and sometimes it can be hard to find a place. Share your tips for finding and keeping community in book blogging despite the hectic demands made on your time and the overwhelming number of blogs out there. If you’re struggling with finding a community, share your concerns and explain what you’re looking for–this is the week to connect!
I don’t really do community well, at least compared to a lot of bloggers. To be honest, I just have so much going on, between family, friends, church, work, I need more time in a day. I use Google reader, but too often I have to give up, mark all read, and start over. I think I need to organize it better, set up folders, maybe. I think better organization across the board, blog, money, time, is something I need to work on.
I do try though. I make comments on the blogs I visit, at least most of the time, and always visit those who visit me- it might take me a little while but I get there eventually. Sometimes I respond to comments here on my blog, but not always. There’s no real rhyme or reason, sometimes I’m in the mood to, sometimes I’m not, sometimes I have something to add, sometimes I don’t.
I’m on twitter (@carolsnotebook) and Facebook (Carol Evans), but I’m not as consistently there as I am in blog world. Once again, it comes down to time.
I’m not involved in any real “niche” community. My tastes tend to vary and so do the blogs I read. I guess I’m hit and miss as far as “community” goes, but that’s one of the nice things. There’s room for all of us.
I totally understand what you are saying…I think I feel the same way…and I sort of also hate routine and feeling as though I have to do things a certain way…
It is hard. I’ve really struggled this year to keep up with blogs and one area that I really want to improve in is visiting those who visit me. At the end of the day I think we can only do what we can do. There’s too much stress as it is!
I feel the same way you do about commenting. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t. I’m really trying to be more consistent and comment frequently.
Dunno how much I truly do the community bit, yes I visit blogs but that it is
I’m in the blog world much more than the different social media circles, too. As for Google Reader, folders are a lifesaver! I have a ton and am constantly tinkering and reshuffling to fine tune my system. I hope you get a system going that works for you!
I totally agree that we can put as much or as little into blogging as we wish. There’s room for us all. I enjoy the events that help me connect, and I love getting out there as much as I have time to do….thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.
I hear you. I have been making an effort to comment more, but I am really bad at it. Which is so hypocritical of me, since I KNOW how much comments mean to the blogger!
It’s hard to do it all and your family certainly has to come first. I tried making folders in my GR and, I guess I didn’t do it right, because it didn’t help.
It’s all good. It’s your blog and your life – you have to find a rhythm that works for you!
I can relate to what you are saying. There just aren’t enough hours in the day, and somedays I’m just not really in the mood to sit at my computer. I do try and visit my favorites when I can as well as comment.
I can understand, at times there is just too much going on in life. I think it is your blog, and it doesn’t make you a bad blogger. Spend the time doing what you need to do. Often I stay away and just read.
i’m right there with you and think I would have answered this pretty much the same way.
So many books need so many bloggers. I find I review books that many others don’t and vice versa. The more people blog about a variety of books, the better, I think.
All you can do is try. There’s so much going on in the community, that it’s impossible to keep up. I always feel like I’m behind.
I tend to find google reader overwhelming. I prefer to create folders in my favorites and then house blogs I read there. I can organize them by type and then I just go through the folder one by one. I can work my way through it all at once or a few a day. I really dislike seeing the number in bold on google reader. That just makes me feel bad. I’d rather be a little ignorant to how much I am missing out on. It is easier to move forward that way when time gets the best of me.