BBAW: Reading and Blogging

I'm actually combining yesterday's topic and today's. I just never got around to posting yesterday's, even though I had a decent start on it. I got home after work and got started doing stuff around there and just forgot. I did make some delicious zucchini bread though. So, reading and blogging. It's actually rather sad. I read less now than I did when I began this blog. Some of my reading time has been taken over my computer time. On the other hand, that's a good thing, since I get to talk more about the stories I love or hate and books in general. I guess most things are a trade-off. I definitely read more "new" books now, and books that aren't as mainstream. In the past, most of my books came from the library, and, while some still do, now I get ARCs, galleys, recently published books galore. And have added three times that amount to my to-read list. I've tried...
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BBAW: Community, Part 2

Today's BBAW top is Community. The world of book blogging has grown enormously and sometimes it can be hard to find a place. Share your tips for finding and keeping community in book blogging despite the hectic demands made on your time and the overwhelming number of blogs out there. If you’re struggling with finding a community, share your concerns and explain what you’re looking for–this is the week to connect! I don't really do community well, at least compared to a lot of bloggers. To be honest, I just have so much going on, between family, friends, church, work, I need more time in a day. I use Google reader, but too often I have to give up, mark all read, and start over. I think I need to organize it better, set up folders, maybe. I think better organization across the board, blog, money, time, is something I need to work on. I do try though. I make comments on the...
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BBAW: Blogger Interview

I "met" the lovely Grace a few weeks ago, thanks to being paired up for the BBAW interviews. Thanks to her blog, Books Like Breathing, I've added several romances to my to-read pile. Grace was kind enough to answer a few questions for me. I have to say that I'm impressed with her daring to follow her dream. 1. Tell me a little about yourself and your blog. This should be easy. My name is Grace, obviously. I am 26 years old. I was a librarian and currently spend most of my time baking cupcakes (starting my own business). I’m hoping to open a storefront in the sometime in this lifetime future. 2. Where is your favorite place to read? How about the oddest place you've ever read a book? I have this awesome orange comfy chair that I’ve been reading in since I was a baby. I swear there is nothing on earth as amazing as my ugly, orange comfy chair. I can’t even...
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BBAW: Giveaway!

In honor of Book  Blogger Appreciation Week, I'm having a giveaway open to all book bloggers. This giveaway is international, as long as the Book Depository ships to you you can enter. The prize is a book of your choice, up to $20, from the Book Depository. To enter, just fill out the form below by the end of the day on September 16. I'll announce the winner on the 17th. All personal information will be deleted following the end of the contest. Giveaway Closed...
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BBAW: Community, Part 1

Today kicks off Book Blogger Appreciation Week (BBAW for short), a week devoted to celebrating the book blogging community. I like how the event’s website puts it. BBAW was created “to recognize the hard work and contribution of book bloggers to the promotion and preservation of a literate culture actively engaged in discussing books, authors, and a lifestyle of reading.” Today we are encouraged to highlight a couple of bloggers that have made book blogging a unique experience for us. I have a couple of wonderful ladies to mention. Tif, from Tif Talks Books, first got me interested in fairy tales and other folk stories through her Fairy Tale Friday posts in 2010. I've fallen in love with them, leading to my own weekly posts, and I really have her to thank. The second is Blodeuedd from Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell. I enjoy the conversational tone of her reviews, they make me smile. Also, she first introduced me to the Monday Morning...
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BBAW – Future Treasures

We want to hear all about your FUTURE treasures.  We’ve been visiting each other and getting to know each other better…now is your chance to share what you enjoyed about BBAW and also what your blogging goals are for the next year! What I enjoy most about BBAW is the visiting and getting to know new people, exploring blogs I've never run across, discovering new books that others treasure. It's a great community and I'm happy to be part of it. I'm not good at setting goals, to be honest, not just with my blog but with life in general. I don't know what the coming year will bring. I do know that I'll continue to post about the books I love and hate, okay I rarely actually hate a book but you know what I mean, tell you about games I enjoy and anything else that passes through my mind. So, what about you? Any goals for next year?...
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