Happy Christmas Eve! We’re spending the day with family, watching the Steelers game at David’s parents house and then doing a Feast of Seven Fishes dinner at my mom’s with my brother and his family. And then, of course, we’ll go to the candlelight service at church. It should be a nice day.

I did want to show off a couple of Christmas projects I finished this year for the house. The first is a cute little cross stitch project.

And I painted these three paper mache houses. Simple but they fit what I needed perfectly. I can never figure out what to put on top of the tv for Christmas and this just worked. I put little battery operated tea lights in them so I can light them up in the evening. To the right of them, beyond the photo, is a ceramic Christmas tree a little taller than the biggest of the houses.

I also had plans for making snowflake Christmas tree ornaments. Yeah, that didn’t happen, at least not yet.



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