This year, over 1.4 million Americans will hear the words “You have cancer.” I know too many people who are touched by cancer, and that is why I have joined the American Cancer Society on a mission to save lives and create a world with more birthdays by participating in the Relay For Life in my community.
I’m giving you the oportunity to support this wonderful cause and a chance to win a box of books.
Here’s what’s in the box.
- The Yard by Alex Grecian (ARC)
- The Thirteen by Susie Moloney
- Sacré Bleu by Christopher Moore
- The Kingdom on the Edge of Reality by Gahan Hanmer
- Borneo Tom by Tom McLaughlin
One winner will win all five books. Each $1 donation will give you 1 entry in the giveaway. A donation of $10 will give you 15 entries. Please make donations using the links at the top of the sidebar. For donations less than $10, please use the pay pal link. The Purple Badge will take you to my personal Relay page for donations of $10 or above.
Once you’ve made your donation, please come back and fill out the form below. This giveaway will be open through May 18, and, due to shipping costs, is only open to US addresses. I will announce the random winner on May 19.
Thanks in advance for your support!
[contact-form] [contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Number of Entries” type=”text” required=”true” /] [/contact-form]