I’m enjoying the Month of Favorites hosted by Girlxoxo, Traveling with T and Estella’s Revenge so far. I have to thank Joy for making me notice the event with her 5 Fave Books on England post.
Today’s we are to pick a list (or general post) we loved from someone else this week. The link up is at Girlxoxo!
I’ve enjoyed reading all the posts this week and visiting new blogs. Today, I’ll mention two posts that I particularly enjoyed.
I loved reading all of yesterday’s post. It’s so interesting to see how different people link books, how their though processes work . One that stood out was the 6 Degrees of Separation post from Flo & the green light. This week is the first time I’ve visited her blog. She actually did two lists, one starting with The Narrow Road to the Deep North and the other beginning at Claire of the Sea Light. Each path is different but both end at The Feast of the Goat by Mario Vargas Llosa.
Another blog I’ve just discovered this week is A Touch of Book Madness. I adored how Valeria presented her introductory post.
Have you seen any lists or posts that stood out for you this week?
2 great faves!!!!!!! Thanks for linking up with #amonthoffaves

I haven’t really had time to check any new blogs this week :/
I loved those too – there are quite a few new-to-me blogs and I’m so happy to have discovered them.
Thank you Carol for mentioning my post (I prefer not to know what you think of my thought process ;D). I’ve also discovered a lot of new blogs this week and it’s been really fantastic even if it’s difficult to read and comment all the posts. The diversity of our choices, tastes is what appeals me the most.
I’m glad you found out about this event! We had a good starting week.