Well, I did a bit better than last week. 91% of my weekly goal, up from 83% last week. Things keep interfering with my workout plans. Okay, I let things interfere with my plans.
My current plan is to do a core workout on Monday, cardio on Tuesday (60 mins), upper body on Wednesday, cardio on Thursday (60 mins), total body workout on Friday and cardio on Saturday (60+ mins).
My week:
Tuesday – 60 minutes on the elliptical.
Saturday – Walk with the dog.
Monday – Arm and shoulder workout with my husband.
I’m using today as a base weight, with a goal to lose 11 pounds. (I was tired of seeing that May date.)
I usually listen to a book while I’m running or walking. This week I finished Tied Up in Tinsel by Ngaio Marsh and Gold Frankincense and Murder by Barbara Early.
How was your week? Readers’ Workouts is hosted by Joy at Joy’s Book Blog. Thanks!
It will be tough to lose weight over the holidays, but you can do it!
Weight, sigh, nothing is happening here. Maybe building muscles? I hope
I did the craziest thing and STARTED A DIET on Sunday. It’s for Gage but I’ve said goodbye to chocolate, all carbs, and potatoes for a year 🙁 Just in time for Thanksgiving, where the mashed potatoes were the only thing I cared about!
I currently have a streak of daily exercise that is 17 days long. My longest one went over a year a couple of years ago, so I have a way to go yet! A streak seems to help my consistency more than anything, even training for an event — that works until the event, but then I have a weird post-event depression.
Looks like you’re getting some Christmas novels in — those are fun.