Bookish and Not So Bookish Thoughts is a weekly blogging event hosted by Bookishly Boisterous. It allows book bloggers (and non-book bloggers) to write about pretty much anything, bookish or otherwise (i.e. share exciting plans for the weekend, rants on things encountered during the week, etc.) Head over to her blog to link-up.
1. Bout of Books wraps up today. I read a lot during the beginning of the week, but the end of the week went blah. only finished two books total.
2. My husband’s softball game on Tuesday got rained out so they play this Tuesday instead. Their season is lasting forever this year.
3. School starts this week for my daughter. Amber’s a senior this year. I wonder if she’ll let me take a first day of school picture. Probably not. I can’t believe summer is almost over. I feel like we really didn’t have many hot days – and it was way too rainy.
4. I’m trying a 30 Day Paleo Challenge that started yesterday. I did already cheat once, but my husband brought me one of my favorite desserts home from a festival – an apple dumpling. I couldn’t resist.
5. Amber’s entering a couple paintings in a local art show this coming weekend. It’s actually the first time she’s entered any in a show. We’ll see how it goes. It you’re local, the show’s part of the Festival of the Arts in Toronto, Ohio.
6. We went to the drive-in on Friday. We saw Spiderman: Homecoming then Baby Driver. They were both enjoyable with happy endings, and neither made me cry, always good. It was a bit chilly. Four of us went, so we turned the radio up loud and sat in chairs. The poor people beside us ended up draining their battery. The management was quick about getting them jumped though.

How was your week? Any plans for this week?
Paleo? Do tell us how it goes, cheating or not 😉